How the Right Foods Help Ease Chronic Pain

Does Sugar Affect Arthritis? Thanksgiving is right around the corner, meaning our tables (and bellies) will soon be full of turkey, stuffing, potatoes, casseroles, and pies. And after the wonderful meal, a nice nap sounds good. Well, there’s a reason for that: the nutrients in certain foods affect our bodies differently. The saying goes, “You are what you eat,” but …

Knee Pain — Healing for Health and Happiness, Capitol Pain

Knee pain is one of the most common types of pain that people complain about. Symptoms could range from swelling and redness to being completely incapable of straightening your leg. Knees are an important part of the body to maintain health is because they’re so tied into your mobility and quality of life. What’s causing the pain? Injury is one …

Innovative Technologies to Ease Chronic Pain

Treating chronic pain can be a tricky situation. For many in the medical field, it’s a constant state of innovation and critical care. It’s important to administer a treatment that is not going to further affect the patient in negative ways. For example, a lot of chronic pain has been treated with opioids. Now that addiction has become a serious …

Learn More About Elbow Pain

Elbow pain can be an afterthought most of the time. We don’t think about how serious the pain could be, so we carry on and hope that it goes away quickly. That’s not always the case, though. While it might be a result of sleeping in a weird position, or hitting your “funny bone”, if the pain lasts for a …

Chronic Headaches are Serious Condition Too

Oftentimes when we think of pain, we think of joint pain or another diagnosed disease. Our thoughts might go to shoulder pain or even arthritis. Chronic headaches should be part of the conversation as well. This type of pain is felt by almost all Americans. There are 90% of Americans, in fact, that experience at least one headache a year. …

Older man holding his lower back

Joint Pain — What is Going on with Your Body?

When it’s your first time experiencing excruciating pain in your body’s joints, it can be overwhelming and confusing—to say the least. Joint pain is something that a handful of adults can relate to. According to the CDC, 23% of all adults have arthritis in the U.S. That’s over 54 million people, with one in four of those adults reporting severe …

Interventional Pain Medicine Experts at Our Louisville Office

Many simple tasks can seem like a burden when you’re suffering from chronic pain. The mundane becomes a bigger obstacle that must be faced head-on, no matter how tired you may seem. It’s not an easy thing to face pain every day. It can take a lot out of a person. That’s why it’s important for us at Capitol Pain …

Benefits of Seeing Premiere Comprehensive Pain Specialists

“We want to help you live your life to the fullest.” These words can be found on our website and felt when you come in our doors. This is the sentiment that is carried throughout our facility. As we serve your local area, it is important for us to understand your body’s pain and ensure you that we have the …

Joint Pain Isn’t The Same: Difference between Osteoarthritis & Rheumatoid

Rheumatoid arthritis is the third most popular arthritis in the world whereas osteoarthritis is the most popular arthritis. Both the diseases give a lot of joint pain to millions of people around the globe. There are many similarities between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, including joint pain and inflammation. They have many things similar and many things different. It’s important to …

Spinal Cord Stimulation for the Treatment of Persistent Pain

What is spinal cord stimulation? A spinal cord stimulator is a pacemaker-like device that acts by sending electrical impulses to the spine to block pain signals from reaching the brain. Generally, spinal cord stimulation is useful in the treatment of chronic pain or pain that is persistent even after other treatments like surgery. SCS can often be a useful treatment …

Back Pain & Posture

We’re sure many individuals have been told a few times by their mother to “sit up straight”. Contrary to popular belief, Mom doesn’t that just to annoy you and this piece of advices is definitely worth taking. Alongside playing a role in having balance, good posture allows individuals to maintain correct form while exercising. Good posture also strengthens abilities in …

The Prominence of TMJ Pain

With more than 3 million reported cases in the US every year, TMJ pain (or Temporomandibular joint dysfunction) is very common. However, though, many people do not know what to do when they first encounter this strange new pain. It’s can be alarming when a part of the face begins hurting out of nowhere. With closer inspection, it’s clear that …

What is good posture?

When discussing proper body alignment, the idea of good posture is often arbitrarily thrown around as a concept that everybody should understand and actively practice. The actual rhetoric surrounding what makes posture good or bad, though, is a bit more complex. Demystifying this issue in the public sphere is an important task – because improving posture can mean improving pain …

Sciatica Back Pain

Whether it’s heartbreak or physical, chronic pain will always be, well a pain to deal with. There’s a number of different symptoms that categorize certain chronic pains accordingly. Sciatica back pain is a symptom of an underlying medical condition, according to Spine Health also states that “Sciatica is a term described as the symptoms of leg pain that originates …

Does Stem Cell Therapy and Lower Back Pain Mix?

For years, stem cell therapy has been known to replace the neurons that have been damaged by either stroke, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and spinal cord injuries. According to, “In theory, there’s no limit to the types of diseases that could be treated with stem cell research. Given that researchers may be able to study all cell types via …

Bad Knees and How to Relieve Them

At some point or another, we all experience knee pain for a number of reasons. Chronic knee pain can occur due to obesity, sports injury, etc. According to, “Knee pain is a common problem with many causes, from acute injuries to complications of medical conditions.” When it comes to knee pain, the severity varies. Overusing your knee can also …

fda opioid warning label

CPI Concurs with FDA Warnings of Opioid Use

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently announced class-wide safety labeling changes for immediate-release opioid pain medications. Among the changes, the FDA is requiring a new boxed warning about the serious risks of misuse, abuse, addiction, overdose and death. We at the Capitol Pain Institute (CPI) concur with the FDA and its continuing effort to educate prescribers and patients …

woman stretching in a yoga pose during sunset

Yoga: Good to get bent out of shape?

by Dr. Raimy Amasha Yoga may at first seem to some people like the art of forming a pretzel with one’s body but a closer look into this discipline reveals the pursuit of a greater goal. Yoga advocates claim pursuit of physical, mental, and spiritual wellness through this ancient art. Herein, we will explore the thousands of years old Indian practice and …

graphic of hip and back area indicating extreme pain

What is the cause of your back pain?

Low back pain, a ubiquitous condition that seems so familiar to everyone, has become ever so prevalent. It is common to hear of low back pain among parents, siblings, and even colleagues. Not surprisingly, neck and back pain is the leading musculoskeletal complaints that contribute to impairment and disability. Studies have shown that the lower back has a 5-10% annual …

clipart of stick figure with shoulder pain

Got Shoulder Pain?

by Dr. Anjuli Desai Shoulder pain accounts for 12 out of every 1000 primary care office visits. This could largely be attributed to the fact that the shoulder joint is the body’s most mobile joint. In fact, shoulder and neck pain account for 18% of all insurance disability payments made for musculoskeletal pain. Some factors which predispose a patient to shoulder …

weekend warriors exercising pain relief

For Pain Relief, Can No Exercise Be Better than Some Exercise?

by Dr. Raimy Amasha Many of us have steady employment responsibilities that occupy our time from the break of dawn to late into the evening. Yet more of us have obligations the moment we set foot into the front door taking care of children, spouses, or pets; answering that email we forgot to answer; replying to the last 15 text messages …

Pack Mule Syndrome

Have you ever seen a little mule overloaded with packs and supplies almost as big as the poor animal itself? These days with every greater proliferation of smartphones, tablets, laptops, portable game consoles, and other assorted electronic devices, it is all too common that men, women, and even children are loading themselves up like pack mules. And carrying heavy bags, …

meteorologist standing in front of weather grid

Who Needs a Meteorologist With Weather-wise Joints?

Grandpa Jones didn’t need to check with a meteorologist to know that a cold front was coming in. His aching joints told him all he needed to know about the changing weather. A rise or fall of barometric pressure, humidity, or even temperature can often trigger various joint pains especially for those suffering from chronic pain conditions such as arthritis. …

person running with orange shoes

Avoiding shin splints can keep you running

Are you an active runner who experiences pain in their shins? If so, you may be experiencing “shin splints,” otherwise known as Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome. This is an overuse injury common in running and sports that involves significant running. Tenderness is usually experienced on the front of the shin (tibia) and is exacerbated pain upon activities that involve running.  The most common cause …

stem cells improve outcomes in rotator cuff repair surgery

Stem cells improve outcomes in rotator cuff repair surgery

A recent study was conducted on patients who underwent a rotator cuff repair. Unfortunately, it is well-known that approximately 25% of patients who undergo rotator cuff repairs re-tear their tendon after surgery.  In order to try to prevent re-tear, the researchers injected adult-derived autologous stem cells that were harvested from the patient’s iliac crest into the surgically repaired rotator cuff of 45 …

A better treatment for severe knee arthritis and pain?

Do you have severe knee pain?  Have you been told by your orthopedic surgeon that you need an eventual knee replacement? Well, if you are a young patient in their 30s-40s you and live a relatively active lifestyle you may benefit from a procedure called High Tibial Osteotomy (HTO). This procedure is known to do well with younger patient population …

Cardamom is a natural antioxidant

Cardamom is a spice that originated in India and Nepal and is purported to have several health benefits. Although still being studied, this exotic spice may have antioxidant, health promoting properties and be good for the digestive tract and cholesterol.  Antioxidants are chemicals that block the activity of free radicals. Free radicals are chemicals that are produced by our bodies and …

spinal stenosis

Spinal Stenosis is a common cause of low back pain and sciatica

Often symptoms that arise from Lumbar spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal canal) and arterial occlusive disease can demonstrate similar traits posing a challenge to the diagnostic physician. Lumbar stenosis can generally be congenital or acquired in origin. Whereas lumbar stenosis can result in low back pain or radicular pain (sciatica) worse with standing and ambulation arterial occlusive disease can …

Superfoods, phytonutrients, and antioxidants

Superfoods are foods known for their health benefits due to their “phytonutrient content,” or in other words, are packed with health-protecting qualities. It is most important to eat a balanced diet (fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, dairy products), but next time you want to boost your diet, consider: goji berries, blueberries, acai berries, cocoa, and broccoli. These superfoods will …

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Treating Neuropathic Pain

A Queen’s University study published April 7th, 2015 reveals that combining morphine, an opioid-based pain reliever, and nortriptyline, an antidepressant, has been found to successfully relieve chronic neuropathic pain in 87% of patients, and significantly better than with either drug alone. Recent Posts

young girl soccer player stretching quads on grass field

Specialized Physical Therapy can prevent ACL Knee injuries

Clinical trials have demonstrated that preventative neuromuscular training (PNMT) can be effective in reducing anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries in the young females. Proximal control exercises (Quads, Hamstrings) and multi exercises genres increased the efficacy of PNMT intervention. Approximately 350,000 individuals get ACL reconstruction (ACLR) surgery to repair or reconstruct the ruptured ACL and restore knee function annually. Although ACLR …

What is a Cervical Strain?

Cervical strain, commonly known as neck strain, is an injury that occurs when the muscles, tendons, and ligaments in the neck are stretched or torn. This stretching or tearing can result in pain, stiffness, tenderness, and limited range of motion in the neck. Since cervical strain causes varying levels of discomfort, it can be beneficial to work with a pain …

turmeric root and powder

Turmeric for arthritis pain

Turmeric, a yellow-colored spice found across the world, from American yellow mustard to spicy Indian curries, is one of nature’s most powerful anti-inflammatories.  In fact, Dr. James Duke, a world-renowned ethnobotanist (a scientist that studies the relationship of people and plants) found that turmeric does a better job treating chronic inflammation than many current pharmaceuticals and it has very few side …

Capitol Pain Institute has moved to a new location!

The new location is at 8015 Shoal Creek Blvd #103 Austin, TX 78757. The new building is larger with brand new interior construction. Dr. Matthew Schocket founded Capitol Pain Institute to provide progressive and innovative pain management in Austin and central Texas. Capitol Pain Institute provides expert pain management care and treatment in a truly multidisciplinary center that affords our …

Yelp Review from Emily C

Once again, Yelp has chosen to filter our good review and not filter our bad reviews.  So, as I have done in the past, I am posting the reviews that Yelp has chosen to filter so you can choose for yourself. Here is a review from Emily C – posted on Yelp 10/10/14: I found Dr. Schockett via my online …

Shingles Treatments

Shingles What are Shingles and what are the symptoms? Shingles are a very painful skin condition caused by the varicella zoster virus (VZV – the same virus that causes chickenpox) that will affect approximately 1 out of 3 people in their lifetime.   Shingles usually starts with itching, tingling, and pain on one side of the body. It most often occurs …

ADL Austin Torch of Liberty Dinner

Capitol Pain Institute is proud to be an official sponsor of this Thursday’s Anti-Defamation League Event at the Four Seasons in Austin, Texas. “We’re very excited about this and we consider it an honor to be a sponsor for this great event,” said Dr. Matthew Schocket, founder of Capitol Pain Institute. ADL Austin Torch of Liberty Dinner Start: September 18, 2014 …

The Two Faces of Pain: Acute and Chronic

Living with pain has a debilitating impact on people. Whether this pain is associated with a previous injury or a result of a disease, it is important to understand where it comes from, how to address it, and how to explain it to those closest to you. Let us explore the two faces of pain: acute and chronic. Acute pain …

Treatment of Painful Diabetic Neuropathy

Finding an effective treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy can be extremely frustrating, both for the individual in pain and for their loved ones desperately trying to find a solution. Diabetic neuropathy is a nerve disorder caused by high blood glucose and other complications associated with having diabetes for a long time. The resulting nerve damage can be felt as numbness …

Patient Testimonial – “Filtered” Yelp Reviews

Since Yelp has decided to filter our reviews, we have decided to post their filtered reviews to our website so that everyone can decide for themselves which reviews are useful (instead of Yelp doing it for you).  These reviews are copied and pasted directly from the Yelp “not-recommended” page. L W. Austin, TX 0 friends 18 reviews 7/30/2014 I have been a …

EMG & NCS: What do all these letters mean to the patient?

EMG & NCS: What do all these letters mean to the patient? EMG & NCS. At first glance, the name of this study can easily confuse a patient. However, once it is broken down into its components, the words explain themselves. Electro-myo-graphy and Nerve Conduction Studies are, as the names state, electrical studies of the muscle “myo” and nerves. In …

Back Pain: Spondylosis, Spondylolysis, and Spondylolisthesis

Have you read your MRI report recently and ended up more confused about your low back pain than before you began? If so, you are not alone.  The medical terms for low back problems confuse many medical professionals who don’t deal with these issues on a regular basis.  The purpose of this post is to help explain what is going …

Understanding Spine Basics: The Vertebrae, Discs and the Spinal Cord

Dealing with back pain is torture, but the more you know about spine basics, such as the vertebrae, discs and the spinal cord, the better you will understand your pain. Although it won’t lessen it, it can help you avoid making the situation worse. A lot of strain is put on your spine; after all, it is what holds up …

New Diagnostic Criteria for Fibromyalgia

The Hunt for the Correct Diagnosis: Fibromyalgia vs Myofascial Pain Syndrome A Glance at the Latest Breakthroughs in Diagnosis and Treatment Although hard to believe, there was a time when Fibromyalgia was treated as a “catch all diagnosis” or a diagnosis applied to any patient in diffuse, widespread chronic pain without a clear cause. As there was no initial diagnostic …

Treating Pain with Pain Management Austin

Thousands of people in Austin and all across the country suffer from chronic pain. This chronic pain could take many different forms such as headaches, sciatica, and lower back pain. One study shows that chronic pain costs the country 635 billion dollars in health care a year. What is worse is that this hefty price tag, however, is when people …

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Austin Pain Doctors are Trained to Help Chronic Pain Sufferers

For those suffering from chronic pain, every day can be a challenge to complete simple tasks, to attend school, go to work, or run a home and look after children. As chronic pain is so unique to the person, so too must the treatment approach to chronic pain management. It is important to find a doctor or medical team that …

Featured image for “Stem Cells – The Next Frontier is Here”

Stem Cells – The Next Frontier is Here

by Guest Author Joseph Smith, PhD Our very own stem cells may provide the key to return us to a high quality of life without chronic pain. Stem cells are undifferentiated biological cells that can develop into just about any specialized tissues.  No longer controversial as they need not be derived from embryos or cadavers, the modern therapy utilizes adult …

Hiring mid-level practitioner

Capitol Pain Institute is looking to hire a FT or PT nurse practitioner, physician assistant, or clinical nurse specialist. If you are interested, please contact the office at 512-467-7246 or email [email protected]. Recent Posts