Botox Injections
Botulinum toxin type A, also referred to as “Botox”, is a toxin produced by a bacterium named clostridium botulinum. When this toxin is injected, it can be used therapeutically to help relieve muscle pain or migraine pain for a period of time.
Are Botox Injections right for me?
Botox injections are FDA approved to treat migraines and are also used by providers to help with muscle pain and muscle spasms.
How does Botox work to control migraines?
When you have a migraine, your body releases neurotransmitters that send a signal to your brain, the central nervous system, that you are in pain. By injecting Botox into the muscles around the face, head and neck, Botox is absorbed by the nerve endings and interrupts the pathway of the pain-associated neurotransmission.
How does Botox work to control muscle pain?
When you experience muscle pain, your body releases neurotransmitters that send a signal to your brain, the central nervous system, that you are in pain. By injecting Botox into a targeted muscle or muscles in the area of pain, Botox temporarily relaxes the muscle and interrupts the pathway of the pain-associated neurotransmission.
What should I expect during my Botox injections?
After the area(s) of the injection site(s) are cleaned, the provider will take the prepped syringe and inject small amounts of Botox into the indicated muscles. The needle used to administer Botox injections is very thin and therefore relatively painless when injected. Patients often refer to the injections feeling like “pinpricks”. Several injections are typically needed to provide desired pain relief.
There is no downtime with Botox Injections. Patients can go home immediately after and resume day to day activities. Patients are asked to avoid massaging the area of injections to avoid disbursement of Botox into unwanted areas. Pain relief is typically experienced within a few days of the injections and may last anywhere from 3-6 months.
Common Conditions Treated by Botox Injections:
- Muscle Pain
- Muscle Spasms
- Migraines
- Temporomandibular joint pain