Post Surgical Pain
Capitol Pain Institute understands that while surgery often improves a health issue or concern, there can be lingering surgical pain during the healing process. Our team will work to understand your pain level and develop a comprehensive treatment plan to address your pain in a way that best fits your needs during your post-surgical healing.
Chronic post-surgical pain can occur in 5-20% of patients. Pain after surgeries like those listed below can be multi-factorial, including causes such as nerve damage/neuropathy, scar tissue, hardware, and more. Treatment options includes multimodal medications, therapy, nerve blocks/ablations, sympathetic blocks, and in refractory cases, nerve stimulation techniques such as peripheral nerve stimulation, dorsal root ganglion stimulation, or spinal cord stimulation.
Common post-surgical pain conditions:
- Post-laminectomy/fusion pain syndrome / failed back surgery syndrome
- Post-surgical foot and ankle pain
- Post-surgical pain after joint replacement
- Post-surgical pain after hernia repair
- Post-thoracotomy pain
- Post-pelvic surgery pain
- Post-amputation pain
Common Treatments Available for Post Surgical Pain
- DRG Stimulation
- Medication Management
- Nerve Blocks/Ablations
- Physical Therapy
- Peripheral Nerve Stimulation
- Spinal Cord Stimulation
- Sympathetic Blocks